Every life story has its own scope, amount of personal resources, detail, number of contributors, extra research and logistical differences.

No two are the same in content, length or time taken to write, so one size does not fit all.

Each package includes professional proofreading and cover design.

Extra costs may include travel (outside Queensland’s Sunshine Coast), book printing, ISBN (International Standard Book Number), barcode, online formatting.


Package 1

40,000 - 45,000 words


Printing for softcover books of these lengths usually cost around $9-$12 each

Package 2 

    65,000 - 75,000 words


A few words on pricing - Time and Transformation…

There is no way around it. Writing an interesting biography is a time consuming process. Travelling, interviewing, transcribing, researching, and writing add up to hundreds of hours. That is why so many people begin their own, and then call me. One, recently, had spent three years on his story.

A writer is a Pied Piper leading readers not into the badlands of boredom where they rush for the nearest exit, but to a place where they look forward to the next page. The ability to compile a lifetime of information and transform it into a good story requires literary architecture, structure, rhythm, balance, and creative skills honed by years of biographical writing.